William Bridges, Founder

Susan Bridges, President
Organizations are facing rapid and multiple changes at a greater pace than ever before. William Bridges Associates was founded to help leaders and individuals better understand and manage the personal and human side of change. Our company provides transition management training throughout the globe. Our books on managing transitions have helped countless individuals effectively move through life-changing professional and personal change. Our ground-breaking, leading-edge Bridges Transition Model has been used by leaders and management consultants for more than thirty years.
Leading during times of change is difficult
Leading people and organizations during times of tumultuous change is one of the most difficult tasks a person can face. Leaders are confronted with serious challenges in a quickly transforming landscape. They must be able to move their organizations from an initial idea to full implementation with little time for uneasy employees to adjust to new practices.
William Bridges Associates has worked with organizations for more than thirty years. In our experience, people today feel they have never faced the type of unprecedented change that they are seeing now. Companies have vanished; industries are reinventing themselves, and often government is transforming the whole game. Technology has completely changed how business is done. Social media has transformed the entire nature of communication. The workforce continues to diversify.
Helping leaders and individuals manage transitions
Our company has spent decades working with organizations of all kinds—private, government, non-profit, and social—as specialists in helping leaders manage organizational transitions. We have learned how self-defeating it is to try to overcome people’s resistance to change without first addressing the threat the change poses to their world.
To help leaders manage the transitions that flow from change, we have created a set of oars that is tried and true. Our company provides training, books, assessments and a transition model that enable managers and their people to feel more comfortable as they confront and adapt to change. By working with William Bridges Associates, leaders are able to more successfully manage the internal transition process. Individuals learn how to handle the transitions caused by change with less disruption and distress in their lives and work. They become more resilient, able to deal more effectively with change, and less vulnerable to its impact on their lives.